Sales_Tx is egregious because the one place where it could be used, it is instead read out of the state table. SalesTx令人吃惊,因为在它可以使用的地方,读出了状态表。
Next, we update the bills again, setting the total bill to the price minus the discount plus the sales tax, which is read from the state table. 接下来,再次更新账单,将总账单设置为价格减去折扣和销售税,这从state表读取。
Create a data set that lists the states in the STATE table. 创建一个在STATE表格中列出状态的数据集合。
The state table contains the dictionary values for the state selection list. state表包含状态选择列表的字典值。
It still has issues: Zipcode is enough to identify the city and state, so those attributes should migrate to a City table ( instead of a state table), but that data is static, so we'll leave it alone. 它还有问题:Zipcode已足够识别国家与城市,因此,这些属性应当被迁移到City表(而不是状态表),但是该数据是静态的,因此我们可以不必理会。
The contact table contains the actual contact data; the state table contains the dictionary values for the state selection list. 联系人表包含实际的联系人数据;状态表包含状态选择列表的字典值。
The states in the STATE table are prefixed with the project area ID and the states in the LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT table are not, but you will correct for that later. STATE表格中的状态前缀是项目区域ID,而LIVEWORKITEMCNT表格中的状态是不,但是稍后您可以对此作出校正。
'_Efk74JK'+ row [ "STATE_NAME"] This computed column matches the ID value in the state table. 'Efk74JK'+row[“STATENAME”]该计算列会匹配状态表中的ID值。
This is an encrypted signature that represents the version number for the link state table. 这是表示链路状态表版本号的加密签名。
The link state table is used to determine the most appropriate route for a message, based on cost and availability. 链接状态表用于基于成本和可用性,确定最适用于某个邮件的路由。
Using the state table memory mechanism, the constraints such as the continuity of maintenance scheduling and start time of maintenance are well processes. 利用蚁群算法的状态表记忆机制,较好地处理了检修计划连续性和检修开始时间等约束条件。
This approach is not recommended because each user is added as an entry in the link state table, which causes the link state table to grow very large. 不推荐采用这一方法,因为每个用户都是作为链路状态表中的条目添加的,而这会导致链路状态表变得非常庞大。
This warning event can indicate a problem with the link state table or with the routing topology. 此警告事件可能指示,存在与链接状态表或路由拓扑有关的问题。
When the routing group master is informed of an update, it overwrites the link state table with the new information. 当路由组主服务器收到更新时,用新信息重写链路状态表。
The characteristic equation combines express with the state table, the conditions satisfied by the state variable numbers and stable state numbers when happen sequential hazards are deduced. 将此方程与状态表结合,导出了产生时序险象时的状态变量数和稳定状态数所满足的条件;
And third, we give an algorithm transforming LL ( 1) analytic table into state table. 第三部分介绍了LL(1)分析表改成状态表的算法。
Apply state table to design PLC ladder-shaped figure 用状态表法设计PLC梯形图
Verification method based state table and method based state chart are compared for the first time, and characteristics of two methods and fitting sequential circuit methods are summarized. 本文首次比较基于状态转换表和基于状态转换图的功能验证方法,并总结出两种方法各自的特点和适合时序电路功能验证的方法,为验证工程师挑选验证方案提供了有利的数据支持。
To overcome this disadvantage the multivalued all state table is presented and a practical example of two-variable quaternary shift-register type counter is given. 此方法能解决上述问题,并给出了二变量四值移位型计数器的设计实例。
The state table, excitation table, and state equation of a new type full-function JD flip-flop are presented. 提出了一种新型的全功能JD触发器的状态表、激励表和状态方程。
According to the idea of wavelength reserving, the application of the state table of wavelength is discussed in this paper. 根据波长资源预约的原理,在光突发交换边缘节点的设计中讨论了波长状态表在其中的应用。
Introduces the development and characteristic of the firewall, analyses the working principle of the stateful-inspection firewall. The data structure of the state table and rule table is built. 介绍了防火墙的发展及各类防火墙的特点,分析了状态检测防火墙的工作原理,建立了状态表和规则表的数据结构,提出了一个基于状态检测的硬件防火墙中协议的整体框架设计。
By this method, secondary state equations based on the state table are compared with the standard secondary state equations of the flip-flop used in the circuits, and then the excitation functions of flip-flop can be directly acquired. 该方法从状态表中获得次态方程,然后将所获得的次态方程与所用触发器的标准次态方程联立比较而直接得到触发器的激励函数。
Problems concerning virtual circuit, packets and their confirmation, flow control, logical channel, state diagram and state table are firstly discussed, then packet-level module design, including data structure, commands of interface to both transport-level and link-level, routing algorithm, etc. 接着叉论述了设计分组级模块时要确定与解决的问题,例如与传送级模块及链路级模块间接口命令的设计、数据结构的设计、路径算法等。
State Table Methodology and a Case of Its Applications 状态表法及其应用案例分析
The determination of the atomic or ionic ground state and the atomic ground state table 原子、离子基态的确定及原子基态表
For logic functions of sequential circuits, the state table based technology is relatively difficult to be executed, but does not need any extra circuits. 对于电路逻辑功能,基于状态表的测试技术操作相对困难,但无须增加额外测试电路;
Besides, the article improves key technologies, for example, state table and state machine, of the frame, so the state inspecting frame is more suitable for the router apparatus, can support application filtering in a better way, and is increased in filtering efficiency. 另外,本文对框架的关键技术,例如状态表、状态机,进行了改进设计,使之更适合路由器设备,并能更好地支持应用过滤,提高过滤效率的状态检测框架。
In these scenarios, UML, one of the founders Martin proposed three scenarios: nested switch state model and state table; Guidelines for generating the right direction. 在这些设想中,UML的创始人之一Martin提出了三种设想:嵌套开关、状态模式以及状态表;为生成方法指引了方向。
This paper designs a new multi-channel MAC protocol ( NPBM-MAC), it uses a global node communication state table for channel assignment. Thereby the channel conflict probability has been reduced. 本文提出了NPBM-MAC协议,采用全局节点通信状况表协商信道分配,从而减小了竞争信道的冲突概率。